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Join date: Sep 19, 2022

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Jonathan Bowden

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We do not market a prospective student-athletes athletic ability or reputation, negotiate or promise scholarships, or serve as an agent in any way. We may serve as a reference for PSA's. In addition, it is permissible for Next Level Golf to distribute high school academic and athletic records to college coaches without jeopardizing a PSA's eligibility. We help our clients manage all forms of communication (email, phone calls, personal meetings) with college coaches, and encourage the players we work with to correspond directly with coaches as part of an effective personal marketing plan. Per NCAA Bylaws,

In accordance with NCAA Rules & Bylaws, fees and services are not contingent on a prospective student-athlete being recruited or receiving financial aid. All payments are due based on the terms of the enrolled program. Jonathan Bowden and Next Level Golf, LLC do not serve or act as an agent in any way.

© 2024 NEXT Level Golf, LLC

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